
Some things I've written or taken pics of. Don't expect too much but do let me know if you have had a read and something was of use.

Lessons Learnt

Users Have Jobs To Do (Lives to Live)

Users “hire” products to complete tasks, like using headphones for music during a workout. Focusing on these tasks helps design effective, user-centric solutions, uncover unmet needs, and prioritise essential features.

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Photo series: Sky

For years now, I've been capturing gradients in the sky. Straight from iPhone—no editing.

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Trend: Huge Headlines

They go edge-to-edge and throw anything Dieter Rams has said (about how to introduce your brand) out the window.

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Lessons Learnt

Lessons: Creating 3 Design Systems

Thousands of design tokens explored, hundreds of components built and rebuilt and countless refactors as I've learned better ways to do things.

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Brief History

Brief History: Design Tokens

Design decisions, translated into data—design tokens are the source of truth to unify and maintain design at scale.

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Brief History

Brief History: Web Fonts

Before the web font era, designers showed great caution in using fonts in print thoughtfully to provide a consistent voice, tone and distinction that sets their clients’ work above the clamour of competing works.

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